Latest Episodes

What’s going on this week?
In this episode, Cain sits and chats with B-Eazy from the DJ Blaze Radio Show Podcast and Mena and AJ from the Pitch’d nd...

Bah Hum Bug!
In this episode, Cain sits and chats with B-Eazy from the DJ Blaze Radio Show Podcast. We discussed the Christmas Holiday and why or...

Colored Folks Never Happy
In this episode, Cain sits and chats with B-Eazy from the DJ Blaze Radio Show Podcast. We discussed the emotional responses to the prisoner...

The Young Student Athlete
In this episode, Cain sits and chats with Yusef from the Relationship Status Podcast. We discussed what it’s like dealing with today's young Student...

You Can Get With This or You Can Get With That
In this episode, Cain sits and chats with returning guest Chrissy and B Easy. They discuss what would you rather have your partner do....

Lawd Yeezus
In this episode, Cain sits and chats with B-Eazy, and they discuss the recent turmoil and controversy around Ye, his antics, partnerships and recent...